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Savior: Silent Phoenix MC Series: Book Five
Savior: Silent Phoenix MC Series: Book Five Read online
Silent Phoenix MC Series: Book Five
Shannon Myers
Also by Shannon Myers
Author’s Note
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Bonus Chapter
Quinn Family Tree
Savior Playlist
Also by Shannon Myers
About the Author
Copyright © 2019 by Shannon Myers
All rights reserved. This book or any portion thereof may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever, including but not limited to- being stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise without the written permission of the author.
This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, groups, businesses, and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual places or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.
Cover Model: Josh Mario John
Photographer: Wander Aguiar
Design: Final Wrap
First Printing: 2019
Paperback ISBN- 978-1-7332748-3-8
Created with Vellum
Also by Shannon Myers
From This Day Forward Duet
(David & Elizabeth’s Story)
From This Day Forward
Forsaking All Others
Standalone Novels
(Travis & Katya’s Story)
You Save Me
Operation Series
(Dakota & Zane’s Story)
Operation Fit-ish
(Kate and Nate’s Story)
Operation Annulment
Silent Phoenix MC Series
(Mike & Lauren’s Story)
Renegade (Book One)
Traitor (Book Two)
(Grey & Celia’s Story)
Deserter (Book Three)
Protector (Book Four)
Savior (Book Five) Coming 9/2019
Fairest Series
(Charm & Neve’s Story)
Through The Woods
Fictioned Series
(Hayden & Jake’s Story)
For the unlikely saviors. The ones who battled their own demons to save those around them.
1%er (One-Percenter)- If 99% of motorcycle riders are law-abiding members of society, the rest is the 1%. Advertised through a patch or tattoo, usually on a diamond shaped back field.
13 - Patch worn by a biker, usually a 1%er. May stand for the letter “M” (13th letter of alphabet), and indicate the wearer smokes pot, or uses “crank” (methamphetamine). Can also mean “The Mother Club“, or original chapter of a motorcycle club.
1916- The nineteenth letter of the alphabet (S) and the sixteenth (P). Stands for Silent Phoenix.
3-Piece Patch- Configuration of back patches, consisting of: a top rocker (club’s name), a center patch (club’s emblem), and a bottom rocker (geographical territory).
69 - Patch indicating someone who has performed cunnilingus with witnesses present.
Air Condition- Riddle with bullets
ATF- Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives.
Broad- A female whose sole purpose is being used as a sexual object; similar to a one-night stand.
Cage- Non-biker’s car/truck.
Church- Club meeting.
Club Whore- Also known as a Mama. Sexual equivalent of a public well. Anyone can dip into her, at any time, as often as he wants. These are woman who belong to the club at large. They belong to every member and are expected to consent to the sexual desires of anyone at anytime. They perform menial tasks around the clubhouse, however do not attend club meetings.
Colors- Patches, logo, or uniform associated with a motorcycle club.
Fly Colors - To ride on a motorcycle wearing club’s kutte.
Gathering: A scheduled social event or meeting. This is not Church.
Grocery-getter- A biker’s car/truck.
Hang Around- a person that hangs around a motorcycle club and may be interested in joining.
Jacket- Arrest record
Kill-Light- A flashlight used as a weapon.
Kutte- A jacket which has had the sleeves cut off. All club patches are sown onto kuttes, which are worn as the outer-most layer of clothing. Most, if not all, outlaw clubs have kuttes as their basic uniform.
Mother- Founding/original chapter of the club.
Nomad- 1) "Nomad" on a bottom rocker patch means that motorcycle club member travels between geographical chapters. Kind of like working in a secretarial pool, a Nomad goes where he's needed. 2)"Nomad" on a top rocker patch or car plaque means "Nomad" is the name of that club.
Ol’ Lady- Wife or long-time girlfriend of club member. She is considered property of the member and is off-limits to other club members.
Property Of- displayed on a shirt, patch or tattoo to show who the woman “belongs to.” Example: Monica wore a “Property of Torch” vest in Renegade. That meant that she associated herself with Torch and would do anything he needed/wanted.
* * *
National President- Many times the founder of the club. He will usually be located at or near the national headquarters. He will be surrounded by bodyguards and organizational enforcers.
Territorial or Regional Representatives- In some cases called the National Vice President in charge of a specific region or state.
National Secretary / Treasurer- He is responsible for the club's money and collecting dues from local chapters. He also records any by-law changes and records any minutes.
National Enforcer- This person answers directly to the National President. He acts as a body guard and gives out punishment for club violations. He has also been known to locate former members and retrieve colors or remove the club's tattoo from them.
Chapter President- This person has either claimed the position or has been voted in. He has final authority over all chapter business and members.
Chapter Vice President- This person is second in command. He presides over club affairs in the absence of the president. Normally, he is hand picked by the Chapter President.
Chapter Secretary / Treasurer- This is usually the member with the best writing skills and probably the most education. He will maintain the chapter roster and maintain a crude accounting system. He is also responsible for collecting dues, keeping minutes and paying for any bills the chapter accumulates.
Chapter Sergeant (SGT) at Arms- This person is in charge of maintaining order at club meetings. Because of the violent nature of outlaw gangs this person is normally the strongest member physically and is loyal to the Chapter President. He may administ
er beatings to fellow members for violations of club rules. He is the club enforcer.
Road Captain- This person fulfills the role of a logistician and security chief for club sponsored runs or outings. The Road Captain maps out routes to be taken during runs, arranges the refueling, food and maintenance stops. He will carry the club's money and use it for bail if necessary.
Members- The rank and file, fully accepted and dues paying members of the gang. They are the individuals who carry out the President's orders and have sworn to live by the club's by-laws.
Prospect- These are the club's hopefuls who spend from one month to one year in a probationary status. They must prove during that time if they are worthy of becoming members. Some clubs have the prospect commit a felony with fellow members observing in an effort to weed out the weak and stop infiltration by law enforcement. Must be nominated by a regular member and receive a unanimous vote for acceptance. They are known to carry weapons for other club members and stand guard at club functions. The prospect wears no colors and has no voting rights.
Associates or Honorary Members- An individual who has proven his value or usefulness to the gang. These individuals may be professional people who have in some manner helped the club. Some of the more noted are attorneys, bail bondsmen, and auto wrecking yard owners. These people are allowed to party with the gang, either in town or on their runs; however, they do not have a voting status or wear colors.
Author’s Note
Please be aware that Savior is not recommended for readers under the age of eighteen, as it contains strong language, sexual situations, drug use, and graphic violence.
If you, or someone you care about has been a victim of sexual assault, RAINN is available to provide confidential support.
RAINN Hotline: 1 (800) 656-4673
one that saves from danger or destruction
one who brings salvation
See also: deliverer; redeemer; rescuer.
Hell is empty
all the devils
are here.
-William Shakespeare
Celia: December 31, 2016
The Fleetwood Mac song came to an end just as the glass doors of the event center closed behind Jamie and Rick. Another song immediately began, but I stayed where I was, standing on the edge of the large dance floor, panic tightening the noose around my neck.
After ensuring that Dakota was with Zane, I searched for Kate. She sat at a table with Wolverine and Lucy, absently picking at a piece of wedding cake with her fork while laughing at something one of them had said. The hospital had paged Nate over an hour ago, and with it being New Year’s Eve, the chances of him making it back before the reception ended were slim.
If we were really going to run, we’d probably have to pick him up at the hospital on our way out of town. Knowing Jamie, though, he was going to insist we leave the doctor behind.
“Grey took off in a hurry. Did they find something?” Molly asked as she sidled up next to me. Her eyes were filled with concern, but she continued swaying her hips to the beat of the music as if to hide the fact that anything was amiss.
“I don’t know,” I mumbled, straining to see where they were going. “Rick got up, and he just left. Something bad is coming. I feel it in my gut.”
In the entire time I’d known him, Jamie had never once backed down from a fight, but the cocky biker who’d ruled as if his club was untouchable was gone. In his place was a man who’d been shaken up enough to put on body armor.
It seemed since Carnage was shot that he wasn’t willing to take any chances.
And if he was willing to run, it meant he no longer felt that he could keep us safe.
“They’re going to find the rat that rolled over on the club,” she said confidently. “Bear said Jarvis was keeping them up to date. I guess he hacked the mole’s computer. Prick’s a cop. He could even be somewhere in this room, and we wouldn’t know it.”
A chill ran the length of my spine, and I surveyed the room before asking, “How’d you find out?”
Molly’s mouth moved into a flat line as she raised her eyebrows.
“Seriously?” I hissed with a grimace. “Please tell me you’re joking. Tell me you didn’t hook up with Bear at my daughter’s wedding.”
“Of course not,” she quickly said. “What do you think I am, a heathen?”
Dakota waved to me from across the dance floor, a wide grin stretched across her face. I’d just raised my hand to return it when Molly leaned in to whisper, “We waited ‘til the reception… like normal people. Did you know there are couches in the bathroom? Not only that, but the door has a lock on it. It’s like they’re practically encouraging people to fuck.”
“Jesus Christ, Molly—”
“Hello, ladies,” a voice purred from behind us. We turned in unison to see the same cop who’d spent the majority of the reception, hitting on any woman who’d come within ten feet of the open bar. Judging by the way he was swaying, he’d saved his best pick-up lines for the alcohol. His beady eyes moved over us, lingering on the bodice of our dresses as if hypnotized.
He winked at me. “I can see where your daughter gets her good looks.”
Molly looked down at him in disgust. “She has two daughters, which tells me that you must be a friend of the groom’s. So, does that mean you’re a cop as well?”
I knew for a fact that she didn’t care one thing about what the lecherous hobbit in front of us did for a living. She was hunting for a mole.
He smirked and extended a hand. “Detective, actually. Kyle Barton.”
The desperation seemed to roll off of him in waves.
Instead of taking his hand, she stared down at it as if it was diseased. Given the way he’d behaved most of the night, it very well might’ve been.
“Detective, huh? Not a very good one, though, to have missed the fact that the bride has a sister—”
“Oh, I was talking about the bride’s sister. Dakota and I—we don’t really get along.”
“And why is that?” I asked, searching for a motive that would connect him to my family. Something that would’ve given him a reason to want to hurt us.
He chuckled. “Well, it’s a funny story, really. Zane and I were working undercover at the gym, and I got assigned to be her trainer. She wasn’t happy with the way I did things, but in a way, I’m pretty much responsible for all of this. Introduced the two of them and the rest, as they say, is history.”
As if sensing there was a problem, Dakota’s eyes met mine from across the dance floor, and she pantomimed sticking her finger down her throat after pointing to Kyle.
“It sounds like the two of you have a really unique bond,” I deadpanned. “It’s a shame you’re not closer.”
“Well,” he said, puffing out his chest. “I think she wanted there to be more between us, but I just didn’t feel the same, and had to let her down gently. It’s obvious—”
At the sound of a loud pop, I jerked my head back toward the front of the building. Torch and Bear nodded to me before getting up, their hands already moving toward the holsters on their hips.
Molly gripped my arm so tightly that her manicured nails embedded in the skin. “Celia, do you think—”
“That someone’s starting their New Year’s fireworks early?” Kyle asked with a chuckle. “Yeah, I do. Doesn’t matter that the city has ordinances in place to prevent this very thing—”
Kyle began rattling off statistics, but I’d stopped listening. I stalked toward the doors, dragging Molly behind me, feeling as though I’d just gotten off a trampoline. My heart was lodged somewhere in my throat, and the ground felt foreign beneath my feet. Jamie’s newest prospect, Alex, met me halfway.
“Torch and Bear told me to keep an eye on you. They’re checkin’ it out, so we can—”
“No. I’m not going to sit here and act like everything’s fine. I’m goi
ng with them. Watch the girls.”